



5.0分 莱维·米勒雨果·维文托妮·科莱特丹· 2017年 / 剧情

《贾斯珀·琼斯》讲述了查理·巴克辛一个充满书卷气的14岁澳洲男孩的冒险故事。 1969年的某个酷热的夏夜,镇上的混血流浪者贾斯帕·琼斯突然出现在查理的窗边。贾斯帕带着查理进入树林深处,并向他展示了一些将改变他一生的东西,而这将使二人踏上一趟危险的旅程,解开近日发生在镇上的一些谜团。 面对破碎的家庭,未知的初恋,查理能够在这个隐藏着秘密和流言蜚语的隔世小镇上寻找到真正的勇气吗?JASPER JONES is a coming of age story about Charlie Bucktin, a bookish boy of 14. On the night that Jasper Jones, the towns mixed race outcast shows him the dead body of young Laura Wishart, Charlies life is changed forever. Entrusted with this secret and believing Jasper to be innocent, Charlie embarks on a dangerous journey to find the true killer. Set over the scorching summer holidays of 1965, Charlie defeats the local racists, faces the breakup of his parents and falls head over heels in love as he discovers what it means to be truly courageous.更新时间:2017-09-22 15:15:43

